Last updated 10/05/2023
Before adding a One-click form make sure you have added the initialization script tag.
The One-click form feature makes your forms more effective. When users click on your form, the Bread & Butter ‘Continue with’ widget will prompt users to convert or sign in, and users will have to authenticate before they can fill out the form.
If you configure the name and email fields on your form (see step 5 below), the name and email fields will be auto filled (and will not be editable) after the users convert or sign in. This prevents users from signing in and then changing their address or name, further increasing the quality of your form submissions.
This guide explains how to take the id and names from the Webflow UI and insert them into the Bread & Butter script tag tag. This links the Bread & Butter code directly into your form. Please note that you need to be using Webflow’s drag and drop form functionality for this to work.
Note: You don’t need to add the ‘Continue with’ widget snippet for the One-click Forms widget to work. The ‘Continue with’ pop up will be launched on its own.
If your form has one field for full name:
If your form has separate fields for First Name and Last Name:
Select the Custom Code from the left menu.
In the Head Code field, paste in the following script tag after the Bread & Butter initialization script tag:
<script> null == window.breadbutterQueue && (window.breadbutterQueue = []), window.injectBreadButter = function (e) { "undefined" != typeof BreadButter && BreadButter.init ? e() : window.breadbutterQueue.push(e) }; injectBreadButter(function () { BreadButter.ui.applyFormControl({ form: 'FORM_ID', first_name: 'FIRST_NAME_FIELD_ID', last_name: 'LAST_NAME_FIELD_ID', name: 'FULL_NAME_FIELD_ID', email: 'EMAIL_FIELD_ID', submit: 'SUBMIT_BUTTON_ID', event: 'CUSTOM_EVENT_NAME' }); }); </script>
Note: If you have other Bread & Butter feature snippets, just add this snippet below them.
CUSTOM_EVENT_NAME is optional. If you remove this line, the “Form Submit” system event will be automatically created.
If you want to have your own user event created on Submit, simply create a Custom Event on the User Events page in Bread & Butter, and replace CUSTOM_EVENT_NAME with the custom event code you created.
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Add authentication & API event tracking to your website/app with a script tag & configuration