
Last updated 04/12/2022

Scopes are identifiers for additional user resources that your website or application needs access to. Resources can be calendars, inboxes, repos, etc., depending on the Provider.

By default, each custom Provider is configured to request basic Profile and Email address scopes. If your application or website requires additional Scopes, they can be entered under the Scopes section of Advanced Settings for each provider.

When a user logs in, the Identity Provider will present them with the Scopes/Permissions that your website has requested, and will give the user the option to accept or reject access. If a user gives permissions for your application to access the requested scope, your application can use the Access Token to access the resource.

Identity Provider Scopes

Available Scopes and related documentation:

Available Scopes and related documentation:

Available Scopes and related documentation:

Available Scopes and related documentation (available only when logged in to the LinkedIn Developer Portal):

Additional Information on r_fullprofile

Available Scopes and related documentation:

Available Scopes and related documentation:

Available Scopes and related documentation:

Scopes requests not supported by Basecamp.

Available Scopes and related documentation:

Available Scopes and related documentation:

Scopes requests not supported by Apple.

Scopes requests not supported by Twitch.

Scopes requests not supported by Twitter. However, you can choose what is returned via the App configuration in your Twitter developer account.

Available Scopes and related documentation:

Available Scopes and related documentation:

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